August 02, 2011

"Da Plane! Da Plane!"

A week of General Assembly in Nashville, followed by a week of Vacation Bible School (which was in addition to my usual workload) followed by a week of caring for my wife following her surgery (in addition to my usual workload).  In case you're wondering why my blogging has been a little lacking lately, that's why.

Sunday, my wife conspired with some leaders in the church to force me to take a day off, which I did yesterday.  I grabbed my bike, a map, and hopped on the metro rail to the L.A. County Arboretum, where I met my sister (who just happened to also be taking a day off), her 9 month-old daughter, and my father. 

The L.A. County Arboretum, incidentally, is where they film(ed) many TV shows & movies, including
"Fantasy Island."

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