November 05, 2006

Quick Update

I'm getting ready to go out of town, and in anticipation of that, I've been busy doing things other than blogging (like packing, trying to get ahead on sermon-writing, and spending time with my family). Even now my wife is saying, "don't blog," so I won't ... much. But I did want to get on and quickly post my sermon on my sermon blog, and let you know I'll be back later in the week.

I will tell you, though, that:

  1. The Santa Clause 3 is a good movie, although it's a bit slow at the beginning.
  2. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama is a good book, although I'm just at the beginning.
  3. Snow White was a little frightened to ring my doorbell on Tuesday night, but the pirate didn't hesitate.

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