February 02, 2010

Los Liones Trail

I went for another hike in the Santa Monica Mountains Saturday. It's amazing what a little rain will do. Compare this picture with the one I took about six weeks ago, which is now at the top of the blog.

The hike I took (with my friend David) was the Los Liones trail to Parker Mesa, in Topanga State Park. On top, we enjoyed towering views of Santa Monica Bay and the Los Angeles basin. Unfortunately, clouds and haze did not allow for good picture-taking. However, this field, near the trailhead, was very photogenic.

I should also point out how beautiful the blossoms were on some of the trees and bushes. One tree I saw still had some orange and red leaves from fall, even while new white blossoms covered its branches. It was one very confused tree. Only in L.A., I guess.

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